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the staff at Elder HelpLv thank you and your staff for helping us make the Health Fairs a success. We are gearing up for 2018 and we are working on some amazing new things for Las Vegas senior & disabled residents.

This agency supports the cause of service across all age groups, and spans the diversity of challenges and concerns that drive people to take action.  We can look up and down our tally of accomplishments and see how much our work matters at the 19 Southern Nevada Regional Housing senior & disabled housing properties locations where our program operate … and to those who give of themselves to help.


Elder HelpLv would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude and thanks to all those who contributed in any way to assist us as we helped the seniors in Southern Nevada through its education, outreach and support services this year.

We are still in need of help to reach our financial goal. Please click on the link below and give in support of our efforts.


Thank you in advanced for your willingness to assist the senior community. We here wish you all Happy Holidays and cheers to a great New Year!

Since 2010 Elder HelpLv has provided over 20,000 free referrals for resources and/or services!


Elder HelpLv volunteers work in many ways to discover the needs of seniors and use the resources of their Preferred Provider Network to assist them through one-on-one surveys, a centralized 24 hour senior resource hotline, monthly community events, a weekly newsletter reaching over 5,000 recipients and the Curcarlin House which provides Senior Emergency Housing.


In 2017 the numbers of requests for females seeking temporary emergency housing has increased by 50% because of the limited number of safe facilities to refer women to we are in the process of opening a 24 hour female only house to refer those seeking help. (This will not be a shelter but only limited to seniors that are discharged from a valley hospital or referred by an approved social service agency or meet certain conditions


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